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Joining a sorority in college is a life-changing experience, but garnering an education is the top priority for Kappa. This is why each chapter is expected to maintain academic standards equal to or higher than their university’s or college’s all-sorority GPA. Additionally, each chapter establishes a GPA requirement for active members. 

If a Kappa struggles academically, we help her through it. The Academic Excellence Team meets with her to craft an improvement plan using study tactics and time management. We want each sister to leave college with what they came for: a degree.

Our goal is to help every sister to achieve her dream of walking across the graduation stage, moving her tassel, and ringing the Kendall bell (AFTER HER LAST FINAL TO AVOID BAD LUCK!). Delta Pi is proud to have sisters in a variety of majors, from marketing and business management, to petroleum engineering, and music majors.

As part of our New Member Program, new sisters are matched with an older, wiser, and experienced sister in order to ease the transition from high school to college. It is our goal to ensure that every new member is able to find their stride with regard to academics. This is achieved through advice from older members on ways to get involved on campus in different organizations or research, to major-specific study groups (#FinalsGrind), to programming about how to balance mental health with the pressures of college.

We believe that every single person has a gift to offer the world, and at Kappa, we encourage our sisters to explore their talents and passions in a way that encourages self-discovery and promotes growth, always striving toward obtaining our degrees.